Fulton, California is a census-designated place in Sonoma County, just north of Santa Rosa and seven miles north-northeast of Sebastopol. The city has a population of 2,411 and is home to a post office, established in 1871. Its ZIP code is 95439. The town has several attractions, including a golf course, a museum, and an art gallery.
The median house price in Fulton, CA is $839,267, compared to $376,286 for the entire United States. Although this city is more expensive than many other California cities, it is still very affordable when compared to other California cities. You can find many affordable homes in Fulton, CA by exploring the neighborhoods listed below. This information can help you narrow your search. Just keep in mind that the median price for a home in Fulton, CA is higher than the median for a similar area in other cities. More here.
The cost of living in Fulton is higher than the state average, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it. This community boasts a low crime rate and low property values. The median household income in Fulton is $65,750, which is lower than the state average. The median home value is $408,700. The school district in the city is above the state average. If you’re unsure of what to expect in a house in Fulton, CA, read this article to learn about available homes. Learn more…